Sunday 26 July 2015

Such An Awful Day?............

It has rained here the whole day long. Everything is grey, dismal and very soggy.
The cat won't even think about going outside (I don't blame him), my husband has moaned about not being able to prune things outside (the plants are quite pleased, at least) and my poor little Grandchildren both have a nasty cold. To top it all off, I have just 'done something' that has deleted every one of my photographs. I am tired and cross and am going to bed (so there!).

But.... And there is always a 'but' isn't there?....... The birds are still singing, I've had a lovely afternoons' stitching, the flowers are still in bloom, if a little wet, and tomorrow is another day.

A lot of people would be grateful for another day, even another hour. A lot of people are in pain and despair tonight, and here I am moaning on about such trivial things as a wet day and a tedious evening, when I should be grateful and thankful for all that I have.
And, believe me, I AM grateful and I AM thankful for each and every day, I just forget to show it sometimes.

So, whoever you are, and whatever your situation - take care of yourself and those you love, and be very grateful for this rainy day.

Back soon....

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