Wednesday 1 July 2015

My Summer Breeze.....

Sweet peas from the garden - it is so hot out there for the plants. The strawberries keep coming thick and fast - this really must be summer!
It  is my lovely daughter's birthday today!  She has always been my Little Summer Breeze - and here she is now in her early thirties! Where did that time go? Forever in my heart, I am so proud of her!
It has been to warm to stitch! Even the Flying Geese are resting today! I will get the quilt done, but this weather is making me lazy!
I'm still very new to blogging - so you will have to bear with me until I get the hang of it all - and - hopefully! - post a lot more photo's of my stitching!
Back soon...........


  1. Ah, beautiful Sweet Peas, they smell so good too. Happy birthday to your daughter xx

  2. Forgot to say... good to see your blog xx
