Friday 20 May 2016

For Freddie.........

Our cantankerous, annoying, pain-in-the-neck, wonderful, beautiful and so-much-loved cat, Freddie has left us.
My heart is broken into so many pieces that at this moment I don't know if they will ever fit back together again. My husband is just the same.
Yes, some will say that he was 'only' a cat, but he was our friend and faithful companion for many a year, and he has left such an enormous hole in our lives - how can we go on without him?
The vet said it was for the best - he was old and in pain, and he couldn't have gone on as he was - so I am glad he isn't in pain anymore.
So, my lovely boy, my Freddie - rest in peace - we will always love you.
Goodbye my angel, I will always love you.......


  1. Sending my deepest condolences. They're never 'only' a cat, once they join the family they very quickly wriggle their way in to your heart. I'm sure you have many happy memories of your beautiful boy and you'll find comfort in them in the coming weeks and months.

  2. Thank you for visiting me Lynda and leaving your kind comment. I'm so sorry to read that you lost dear Freddie and understand completely how difficult it has been for you...our pets do add so very much to our lives x
    Susan x
